Collaboration With UofT To Create Positions For Doctoral Candidates
The Canada Pakistan Research & Development Council, with the help of Prof. Shamim, created positions for three doctoral candidates at the University of Toronto with the support of Canadian academics and scientists (two for training in Civil Engineering and one Health Sciences). Candidates for training in civil engineering joined their programs in September 2018.
Student Direct Stream Allows Pakistani residents to obtain Canadian Student Visa
It is a pleasure to inform that legal residents in Pakistan will now be eligible to apply through the Student Direct Stream in order to get Canadian Student Visa. The community expresses gratitude to the Hon. Minister Hussen, Members of the parliament Terry Duguid, Iqra Khalid, Salma Zahid, and Rob Okiohant for their tireless effort in implementing this program. In order to qualify for the program, a potential candidate should score a specific level in IELTS or Niveaux the Compétence Linguistique Canadiens for French, purchase a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC), obtain an offer letter from a Canadian learning institute, pay at least first year’s tuition fees, get a medical exam and obtain a police certificate before applying.
Dr. Rashid Ahmed and Mr. Masroor Khan were the pioneers of raising this issue across Canada when they obtained the comparative country statistics from IRCC through the right to information act.
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